Lumigan Eye Drops – Dual Purpose Solution for Eye Care

What is Lumigan?

Lumigan (bimatoprost) brings down weight in the eye by expanding the measure of liquid that channels from the eye.

Lumigan eye drops are utilized to treat specific kinds of glaucoma and different reasons for high weight inside the eye.

Lumigan may likewise be utilized for purposes not recorded in this drug management.

Important Information

Try not to utilize Lumigan eye drops while wearing contact focal points. The eye drops may contain an additive that can stain delicate contact focal points. Hold up in any event 15 minutes in the wake of utilizing Lumigan before placing in your contact focal points.
Lumigan may cause a slow change in the shade of your eyes or eyelids and lashes, just as expanded development or thickness of your eyelashes. These shading changes, typically an expansion in dark-colored color, happen gradually and you may not see them for quite a long time or years. Shading changes might be perpetual considerably after your treatment closes, and may happen just in the eye being dealt with. This could bring about a corrective contrast in eye or eyelash shading from one eye to the next.

Do not try to permit the tip of the Lumigan eye dropper to contact any surface, including your eyes or hands. In the event that the dropper becomes sullied it could cause disease in your eye, which can prompt vision misfortune or genuine harm to the eye.

In the wake of utilizing Lumigan drops, hold up in any event 5 minutes before utilizing some other eye drops that your primary care physician has recommended.

Follow all bearings on your drug name and bundle. Educate every one of your social insurance suppliers regarding all your ailments, sensitivities, and all prescriptions you use.

Prior to Utilizing This Medication

You ought not to utilize Lumigan in the event that you are adversely affected by Bimatoprost.
To ensure Lumigan is ok for you, tell your primary care physician in the event that you have ever had:
  • expanding or contamination in your eye;
  • retinal separation; or
  • eye medical procedure or damage influencing the focal point of your eye.

Lumigan (Bimatoprost Generic) may cause a slow change in the shade of your eyes. You may likewise see expanded development or thickness of your eyelashes. These progressions happen gradually and you may not see them for a considerable length of time or years. Shading changes might be lasting much after your treatment closes, and May happen just in the eye being dealt with. This could bring about a corrective distinction in eye or eyelash shading from one eye to the next.

It isn't known whether Lumigan will hurt an unborn infant. Tell your primary care physician in the event that you are pregnant or plan to get pregnant.

It isn't known whether Lumigan goes into bosom milk or on the off chance that it could influence the nursing child. Tell your primary care physician in the event that you are bosom nourishing.

Lumigan isn't affirmed for use by anybody more youthful than 16 years of age.

How should Use Lumigan Eye Drops?

Use Lumigan eye drops precisely as recommended by your PCP. Follow all headings on your remedy mark. Try not to utilize this drug in bigger or littler sums or for longer than prescribed.
The typical portion of Lumigan eye drops is 1 drop into the influenced eye each night. Adhere to your primary care physician's dosing guidelines cautiously.

Try not to utilize this drug while wearing contact focal points. Lumigan may contain an additive that can stain delicate contact focal points. Hold up at any rate 15 minutes subsequent to utilizing this drug before placing in your contact focal points.

Wash your hands before utilizing the eye drops.

To apply the Lumigan eye drops:

Tilt your head back marginally and pull down your lower eyelid to make a little pocket. Hold the dropper over the eye with the tip down. Gaze upward and away from the dropper and crush out a drop.

Close your eyes for 2 or 3 minutes with your head tipped down, without flickering or squinting. Tenderly press your finger to within the corner of the eye for around 1 moment, to prevent the fluid from depleting into your tear pipe.

Hold up in any event 5 minutes before utilizing some other eye drops your primary care physician has endorsed.

Try not to contact the tip of the eye dropper or spot it legitimately on your eye. A polluted dropper can taint your eye, which could prompt genuine vision issues.

Do not try to utilize Lumigan eye drops (Bimatoprost Ophthalmic Solution) if the fluid has changed shading or has particles in it. Call your drug specialist for a new prescription.

Tell your primary care physician immediately in the event that you have eye damage or eye disease or on the off chance that you intend to have eye medical procedure.

Store this prescription at cool room temperature, away from dampness and warmth. Keeps the container firmly shut when not being used?

What Happens if Missed a Dose?

Skin the missed dose and utilize the drug at the following normally scheduled time. Try not to go through an additional prescription to make the missed dose.

What Should Avoid While Using Lumigan Eye Drops?

Abstain from utilizing a lot of this drug, which can really make it less successful in bringing down the weight inside the eye.

Lumigan Side Effects

Get emergency medicinal assistance in the event that you have indications of a hypersensitive response to Lumigan Bimatoprost: hives; troublesome breathing; growing of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.

Quit utilizing this prescription and call your doctor without a moment's delay on the off chance that you have:
  • eye growing, redness, extreme uneasiness, crusting or waste (might be indications of disease);
  • vision changes; or
  • red, swollen, or irritated eyelids.
Basic Lumigan symptoms may include:
  • eye redness or tingling.
Lumigan may cause a slow change in the shade of your eyes. You may likewise see expanded development or thickness of your eyelashes. These progressions happen gradually and you may not see them for quite a long time or years. Shading changes might be lasting significantly after your treatment closes, and may happen just in the eye being dealt with. This could bring about a restorative contrast in eye or eyelash shading from one eye to the next.

Buy Lumigan Eye Drops Online

Buy Lumigan Eye Drops Online from at best and reasonable price. IcareProst is one of the best and trusted online pharmacy stores where you can get Lumigan drops at best-discounted price. IcareProst also provides free and fast home delivery across the world.


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